Under My Pillow

 Under My Pillow

stories for kids - Five-year-old Samantha loses her first tooth.
After putting her tooth under her pillow, Sam goes to bed excited about the present she hopes to discover the next day. Yet, she wakes up only to find an unpleasant surprise.
There’s nothing under her pillow! No present or tooth. She goes on a quest to solve the mystery with the help of the Tooth Fairy and her feathered friend.
Will all turn out happily ever after?
Under My Pillow explores the themes of problem-solving, trust, and forgiveness in this fun and surprising tale.

About the Author
Jennifer Ballow
I’m a new children’s book author and I love to help people in all stages and from all walks of life live the best lives that they can. In publishing stories, I hope to inspire you and your family to connect through reading, imagination-building, and creative writing.

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